In the Fall of 2013 a new North American federation came into existence:  the Thrombosis and Hemostasis Societies of North America (THSNA the “Societies”), which is now the parent organization for the biannual THSNA Summit.  THSNA the Societies is a federation of 13 of the leading non-profit organizations in hemostasis and thrombosis in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.  With the continuity between Summits provided by the new federation, we are becoming the premier forum for hemostasis and thrombosis in North America. 

In addition to directing the biennial THSNA educational Summits, the THSNA mission is to advance the prevention, early diagnosis, management, and cure of bleeding and clotting disorders.  We seek to do this through advocating for federal, pharmaceutical and private funding for clinical and basic research in hemostasis and thrombosis; providing educational programs to benefit our patients and the public; working with health care policy makers and government agencies to promote public health policies favoring the optimal delivery of health care in our field; promoting publications in hemostasis and thrombosis; and, very importantly, the nurturing and mentoring of the next generation of hematologists, nurses, pharmacists, laboratory investigators, basic scientists and other specialists in our field.  We feel that these objectives can be best achieved by the Societies supporting each member organization in fulfilling its own unique mission.